
Angular2 download file from url

r/Angular2: Angular is Google's open source framework for crafting I'm having trouble trying to download an excel file from an API with Angular. setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); a.href = url; = 'Articulos.xlsx';; window. There are 2 ways I use to download a file with Angular2 or greater. be taking advantage of the HTTP download, where the Angular side will just call a URL that  9. blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain' }),. 10. url = $window.URL || $window.webkitURL;. 11. $scope.fileUrl = url.createObjectURL(blob);. 12. }); CSS Tidy. 1. Feb 26, 2019 You can even use SSR to securely pass data, including files, and downloading files from a Node.js server using a single codebase. app.delete('/files/**', (req, res) => { const fileName = req.url.substring(7).replace(/%20/g,  May 14, 2019 FileSaver saveAs(Blob/File/Url, optional DOMString filename, optional Object If it does, it will download the data and save using blob URLs.

Angular2 File Upload.